Kitchen Accessories

Making the most of your money

Let us face the facts here; designing a home can be extremely expensive, and designing your kitchen can often be the most expensive room in the whole house. There is so much to consider, so many appliances to choose from, so many variables that have add ons add extras to ramp up the cost of an already expensive room. A lot of people and companies will look to nickel and dime you because they know it is such an important room in your home. Some honest companies, however, are offering solutions.


Why not paint the walls of your existing kitchen? It certainly saves a lot of money, costs very little, and changes the entire look easily. Even changes the door knobs, or the handles on your drawers, can drastically alter the feel of the room. Tiling, while normally expensive, isn’t a fraction of the cost of a complete redesign. The age of the new-not-new kitchen is upon us.